“With Kathryn Kuhlman”
It was 1974, and I had been asked be an usher at the World Conference on the Holy Spirit in Tel Aviv, Israel. I would be an usher for the Kathryn Kuhlman miracle healing services to be held in a great arena seating over 10,000 people from all over the world. I was assigned to an upper balcony area that overlooked the platform where the World Press from many nations was given seating. These meetings were some of the greatest services I have ever been in, or had the privilege to attend. The miracles that took place were beyond words. During the week that I was there, I was checking out some things about my section one late evening and as I was leaving, I ran into Kathryn Kuhlman. No one else was around. I don’t know what she was doing there unless she was just walking around and praying over the area. I was so startled; I was like a schoolboy who had met a famous movie star. I began to stutter as I tried to tell her who I was and where I was from. At that moment, I did not know that a few days later at the end of the meetings, I would be one of many ministers who she would choose to pray over. I went back to my hotel and told everyone that I had personally met Kathryn Kuhlman.
That night, at the hotel, I met a young man who was Jewish. We began to talk about Christianity and about what it means to experience Jesus Christ. I invited him to attend the next day’s healing service with me as my friend, and to sit in the section with the World Press. The next afternoon we found ourselves watching another great healing service. People began to experience miracle healings. A doctor from John Hopkins University had to examine each one before they were allowed on the platform to give testimony of their healing. Also, as we came close to the end of the service, she looked over at the area where those from Greece were attending. She said, “the Spirit of God is upon Greece”, and nearly 300 people sitting in that section fell under the Holy Spirit. My friend and I leaned over the balcony looking down at people spread all over the floor as all those people fell under the power of God. I said to my friend,” do you now believe that Jesus is the Messiah”? He said that if that would happen to him, meaning if he felt the power of God, he would believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Immediately, a thought came to me. I knew where she went at the end of the service. There was a large wide hallway behind the auditorium. I knew that the security guards would take her out the back door behind the stage and through the hallway to a waiting room and from there out of the building.
I knew we were at the end of the service. She was beginning to wind down the service and I knew at any moment she would make her exit. I told my friend to follow me. We ran down the back of the auditorium and down some steps. By the time we got to the back hallway there was an amazing scene. From the door she would come out of to the door she would enter there were armed policemen who had locked arms on each side of a passageway from one door to the other. On the other side of the passageway behind the policeman and on our side of the passageway behind the policeman, there were so many people who had packed in hoping for a glimpse and maybe a prayer from Kathryn Kuhlman. I pulled my Jewish friend through the crowd and we made it up to the area behind the policeman just at the door where she would enter the waiting room after coming through the passage between the other officers. Almost immediately, the door opened and she started out of the back of the auditorium through the passage made by the policeman with their locked arms.
People began to cry and to cry out for help begging for her to touch them. It reminded me of the days of Jesus as I could almost see the crowds begging for a touch after seeing Him do a miracle. But, she just looked down as a guard on each side brought her through the passage. She had ministered for several hours, and for a woman in her 70’s, she was weary and tired. Just as she almost got to the door where we were standing, she looked up and her eyes caught my eyes, and I immediately yelled, raising my hand at the same time and pointing at my friend,” touch him Ms. Kuhlman, touch him”! She stopped, she reached over, and she touched him. That is all I remember. When I open my eyes, everyone was on the floor. The entire police force and all the crowd, stunned and lying on the floor. The policeman in front of me was lying on me, and I was lying on the person behind me. I looked over at my Jewish friend, and as he came to all he could say was ” Yeshua, Meshiah ,Yeshua Meshiah”. He was saying that Jesus was the Messiah. At that moment, Jesus came into his heart as he cried out to Jesus just as Saul did on the road to Damascus. A Miracle from God had brought him face to face with his Messiah!